Movie Review

DUNE part one

“Dreams are messages from the deep”

A superb cast

Based on the novel series, film attempts have been made several times. This one finally seems to have captured the epic scale of the books.

A vision of a holy war

Lots of opening dialogue, similar to Fellowship of the Ring, help explain the vast setting. Much better than the 1980s Dune movie. This film is easier to follow along with for someone who has never read the books.

Duncan is an incredible fighter

War, politics, mystery, loyalty and betrayal. Dune is a complicated movie with many characters, but the visuals alone make this movie worth watching.

Bigger than the worms from Tremors. These things are massive!

The battle on Arrakis is short, but promises much bigger things in the future. It’s initially a lot to get your head around, but fans of the book should really enjoy it.

A sci fi movie that is truly epic in scale. A beautiful beginning to what is sure to be an exciting series. I look forward to Dune: Part Two.

Movie Score: 85%


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