Movie Review

The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad directed by James Gunn brings the irreverent, bloody comedy of the comics to your screen. The deaths are sudden, intense and continuous. Neither fan favorite actors or even beloved characters are safe in this film. It definitely lives up to it’s name. *SPOILERS

The Suicide Squad (or their official name, Task Force X) is a black ops unit of captured villains held at Belle Reve, a top secret government prison in Louisiana.

Led by Amanda Waller, Task Force X is used by the U.S. government to do things the government doesn’t want the general populace to know about. Each prisoner is implanted with a tiny bomb at the base of their neck, so they can be executed if they don’t obey orders.

Team #1: Weasel, Blackguard, Mongal, Javelin, Captain Boomerang, T.D.K., Savant and Colonel Rick Flag

The movie starts out quickly, introducing Savant, Colonel Rick Flag and his team that consists of Blackguard, Mongal, Captain Boomerang, Weasel, Javelin, T.D.K. and finally, Harley Quinn. They are put on a chopper and sent to the island of Corto Maltese. The chopper drops them off and they begin their suicide mission…..literally. Almost all of them die within the first 12 minutes on screen.

We then learn that there is a second team also landing on the island. This team is led by Bloodsport and it includes Peacekeeper, Polka Dot Man, Nanua, Rat Catcher 2 and her pet rat Sebastian.

This is when the title comes up and the movie begins. A bouncy song about death plays while the camera pans over all the corpses and the government employees exchange money from their bets on who from team #1 would die during the assault.

Polka Dot Man, Peacekeeper, King Shark (Nanaue), Bloodsport and Rat Catcher 2 (with Sebastian on her shoulder)

The main movie follows the story of team #2 and the surviving members of team #1 (Rick Flag and Harley Quinn) who they “rescue”. The big bad guy is Starro the Conqueror, a giant intergalactic Starfish that can control peoples minds through attaching little starfish to their faces.

Starro the Conqueror

The action is intense, bloody but not too overly grotesque. Definitely deserves it’s R rating from the blood, the nudity and the language. Do NOT takes kids to see this movie!

The fighting is intense, the comedy is laugh out loud funny and sometimes adult oriented. It also has strong emotional moments, an entertaining soundtrack and a solid storyline which is actually relevant to today (surprise, surprise the real bad guy is the U.S. government).

I would list The Suicide Squad as a solid entry into the DCEU. You don’t need to know all about the comics or movies to enjoy this. It works well as a stand alone film and at the same time fits in the #Snyderverse by not contradicting anything from those films. I quite enjoyed it’s story and style of humor. P.S. watch ALL THE WAY through the credits

Score = 82%

#NatsJourneys #MovieReview #MovieMondays #NatApproved

I hope to see Weasel in more films.
RIP Polka Dot Man. You were my new favorite super hero 😔

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