Restaurant Review

Chosun Korean BBQ

This was my first ever visit to a Korean BBQ restaurant. I had been wanting to go for a long time, but the high cost is prohibitive. My #FoodieBuddy, Nesfeder, had never been to one either, so we got together and tried it out.

View from inside the front door
The dining area goes back quite a ways and seats more people than you would expect after seeing the front of the store.

We came for the BBQ experience and were seated at a table with a built in grill.

The grill in our table

You cook the meat yourself in the center of the grill. The meat cooks in just a few seconds. You are only supposed to flip it once. Once cooked, you move the meat to the edge of the grill to keep it warm.

From top going clockwise: pork belly, thinly sliced seasoned beef rib eye, unseasoned beef rib eye cap, seasoned pork shoulder.

The meat selection was good. The seasoned meats were the best. The pork belly was pretty disappointing.

They give you a LOT of items to eat with the meat (rice, salad, kimchi, sausage, seasoned cucumber, seasoned asparagus, fish cake, etc…) and several oils and dips to use as well. We didn’t realize how many things were included with the meats, so we ordered several side dishes as well.

Mul Naengmyeon: buckwheat noodles in a cold broth with sliced beef/cucumber/radish/boiled egg

The cold noodle dish was an excellent side dish. It was flavorful and the perfect balance to the hot grilled meats. The noodles are in a big ball in the middle of the broth. They include a big pair of scissors to cut the noodles with.

Haemul Pajeon: seafood and scallion pancake with mussel/squid/shrimp

The seafood pancake (which sounds disgusting) was incredible. This was a huge surprise to me. On a sad note, the leftover pancake does not reheat well.

Steamed Egg: steamed egg custard topped with scallion

The Steamed Egg is a hot dish that comes to your table boiling. It looks weird, but it was incredibly tasty.

“I could come to Chosun and eat nothing but the side dishes and still leave full and satisfied” #NesfederNotes

Korean BBQ is really expensive, but the meal was filled with excellent flavors I rarely get the opportunity to taste. From cooking your own meat, to the variety of flavors; dining at Chosun is more than a meal, it’s an experience. A true #CulinaryAdventure

#KCFoodie #CulinaryAdventures #ExploreYourCity #OverlandParkKS #FoodieBuddy #FoodieFriday #NatApproved #HighlyRecommended


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